Trying New Things

Have you ever thought of doing something but you realize you don't know how? Well I got this idea in my head and it seemed so simple to do, but when I sat down to do it, I realized I had no idea how to make it happen. This is where the wonderful  internet came in! I just googled "how to add pattern to type" and voila! Here's one easy way (you could also use pathfinder in AI) to do it. See steps below

1) In Photoshop: Once you have created a design you would like to use as a fill, go to DEFINE PATTERN under Edit. That will create a pattern swatch that you can select later.

2) Select the type you would like to fill with said pattern.

3) Use the fx drop down at the bottom of the layers panel, and select PATTERN OVERLAY. Here you can select your pattern and change scale, opacity etc. Really is easy as 1-2-3.

Pattern + type. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. 

© Katja Ollendorff