Pale Shelter

It isn't hard to see that I love bright colors. They enliven my soul. But sometimes, I just need to soothe my soul too, and that's where these pastel beauties come in. My Pale Shelter board on Pinterest is a place where I can collect dreamy cotton candy colored hues to my heart's content. I might just go revisit my board and listen to a pretty rad song by the same name. 

Clockwise from upper left: Sally King Benedict, Crystal, LittleElmsTumblr, Tec Petaja, Dianna Molzan, Ana Montiel, Kate by Anna Palma, Sol LeWitt, Hibeck jacket

Clockwise from upper left: Sally King Benedict, Crystal, LittleElmsTumblr, Tec Petaja, Dianna Molzan, Ana Montiel, Kate by Anna Palma, Sol LeWitt, Hibeck jacket